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At RBD, we are committed to providing you quality products and services designed to meet or exceed your needs. Quality is more than a policy with RBD, it's a passion that is communicated, embraced and maintained at every level of our organization.

Welcome to RBD Electronics, Inc.

Electronics Assembly - electronic products and services

RBD has the experienced personnel and advanced technological equipment to meet all of your electronic assembly requirements, from prototyping to high-volume production.


Two-way communication is a very vital part of a quality product. Together we can determine the most effective solutions to your needs.

Electronics Component Supply - electronic products and services
Component Supply

RBD Electronics stands behind every part we sell. At every level of our organization, we’re committed to providing quality products and services designed to meet or exceed your requirements.


Electronics & IT Asset Recycling and disposal

There's no way around it, once your old electronic equipment is decommissioned it changes from an asset to liability. Our goal is to make sure that once the asset is decommissioned you never have to worry about it again from either a data security or environmental perspective. Let us help with your computer disposal needs.

Electronics assembly, component supply, electronics recycling, and IT Asset disposal

Supply ● Produce ● Re-Purpose

Thank you for visiting our website today. If you don't find exactly what you're looking for on our site, please call us. We are here to serve you and we love special orders. Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction.

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